Are you looking for good techniques to grow and care for daisy, help plants grow quickly? Then take the time to refer to the article below to better understand this beautiful, wild but delicate flower!
1.What does daisy mean?
Before learning about the process of caring for and growing daisy, do you know anything about this flower, its origin and its meaning?
- Daisy lashes have bright yellow stamens and small, pretty white petals
- Daisy lashes possess white, thin petals and brilliant yellow pistil. This is a small flower, often grows wild on the roadside, grassland.
- This flower has diversity in origin. For example, in Roman mythology, daisy is derived from Belides - the goddess who cares for the forests. While dancing with her lover Epigeous, she accidentally caught the eye of Vertumnus - the god of the gardens. Because in order to protect Belides from Vertumnus's pursuit, Flora - the queen of flowers turned her into a white daisy.
Or in ancient Irish legends, the daisy symbolizes the souls of recently born dead babies. God scatter daisy all over the mountains, steppe, ... to ease the sadness of fathers and mothers. That is the reason why daisy has strong vitality, symbolizing innocence and purity.
- Each flower has its own meaning, daisy is no exception. Behind that gentle wild beauty, this flower symbolizes:
- Pure beauty.
- Innocence, innocence.
- True love
- ... and also comfort, encouragement, friendship, filial piety. Depending on who receives the flower, the daisy has a distinct meaning.
2.Technology to grow daisy
Do you love this beautiful little flower and want to "renovate" the indoor garden, in the front yard or simply plant a small pot of daisies to beautify the living space? Then, immediately note the technique of growing chamomile, below.
There are two specific stages in the cultivation of daisy that are seed preparation and planting. Specifically in each period as follows:
Choose good daisy seeds with clear origins.
Soak seeds in warm water for 10-15 hours. If your daisy seeds are too small, don't soak them.
Planting soil is an important factor when growing daisy
Mix Akadama soil with small seeds, 20% - 30% humus and mossy soil in ratio 1: 1 before sowing. Besides, it ensures moisture and soil drainage.
Cultivating daisy
Sow the seeds at a depth of 0.5 cm and have previously loosened the soil
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